• Out Of Stock

    Valupak Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets 1000mg 1 tin

    AvaCare’s Simple Health Vitamin C contains 20 Orange Flavoured Effervescent Tablets.

    AvaCare’s Effervescent Vitamin C has been designed so you get a massive boost of well-needed Vitamin C as vitamin C helps support the normal function of your Immune and Nervous Systems, giving your immune system an immediate boost. It can also help reduce the effects of Tiredness and Fatigue

  • COVIDEX-On-Sale-In-KampalaA-Pack-of-5-Bottles (3)Out Of Stock

    COVIDEX (Pack of 5 bottles)

    Get 5 units of COVIDEX at Ugx 65,000

    Made by Jena Herbals Uganda Limited, Covidex is approved by NDA to be used as a supportive treatment for COVID-19 in Uganda


    • Extract of Zanthoxylum gilletii (East African satinwood),
    • Warbugia Ugandensis
    • Sodium chloride


    Mechanism of Action:

    • Inhibits SARS CoV-2 Virus growth
    • Anti-inflammatory effects
    • Immune modulatory effects
    • Anti-hyperglycemic effects



    • Adults: 6 drops in the mouth, 3 times a day.
    • Children 5 – 12 years: 3 drops in the mouth, 3 times a day
    • Children below 5 years: 1 drop in the mouth, 3 times a day

    Ginseng extract, Vit B vitamins 50mg GINSOMIN Capsules 30’s

    Ginseng is commonly used for its antioxidant and anti- inflammatory effects. It could also help to regulate blood sugar levels and have benefits for some cancers. Ginseng strengthens the immune system, enhances brain function, fights fatigue and improves symptoms of erectile dysfunction

  • Ascorbic Acid 100mg Vitamin C Tablet 10’s

    Ascorbic acid is used to prevent and treat scurvy (a disease that causes fatigue, gum swelling, joint pain, and poor wound healing) due to lack of vitamin C in the body. Ascorbic acid is in a class of medications called antioxidants.

  • Jenacof DS 200ml

    Jenacof DS Herbal Cough Syrup 200ml

    Jenacof is a natural herbal syrup that helps in the treatment of dry cough, allergic cough, asthmatic cough, flu and rhinitis.


    The ingredient has extracts of

    • Zanthoxylum chalybeum
    • Warbugia ugandensis
    • Citrus sinensis
    • Zingiber Officinalis
    • Eucalyptus oil



    • Adults: 20mls three times a day
    • Children: 5-12 years: 10mls three times a day
    • 1-4 years: 5mls three times a day
  • New

    Rocket Health Covidex Package 2

    Get 5 bottles of Covidex, A box of medical masks, and 60ml Saraya Sanitiser @ 110,000

    This package contains:

    1. 5 bottles of Covidex
    2. A box of disposable medical masks 50’s
    3. One 60ML Saraya Sanitiser.


    1. Adults: 6 drops in the mouth, 3 times a day.
    2. Children 5 – 12 years: 3 drops in the mouth, 3 times a day
    3. Children below 5 years: 1 drop in the mouth, 3 times a day
  • Out Of Stock

    MultiVitamin GROVIT tablet 10’s

    Grovit is used to treat vitamin deficiency in the body. It contains vitamin D3 extract, Zinc extract, Iodine etc. which is required for the healthy growth of a human body. This medicine is also used to increase appetite, treat anemia and folic acid deficiency.

  • Out Of Stock

    Magnesium 0 Magnesium Tablets 10’s

    Magnesium tablets are used in the treatment of constipation and mild abdominal discomfort. It can also be given as a supplement if magnesium levels in the blood are low. Magnesium is required in the normal growth and maintenance of bone,proper function of muscles and nerves

  • Folic acid 5mg FOLIC ACID UK tablet 28’s

    Folic Acid helps in red blood cell formation,treating and preventing folate deficiency. It helps the unborn baby’s brain,spinal cord and skull develop properly. Pregnant women require supplementation with folic acid

  • Neuroton

    Neuroton® Tablet 20’s

    Neuroton is a special combination of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid which are essential neutrotropic factors. Neuroton is indicated for prevention and treatment of deficiency of vitamins B1, B6 or B12 and their prophylaxis e.g. in neurological and other disorders associated with disturbance of the metabolic functions influenced by B complex vitamins


    Calcivita Tablets 10’S

    Supplement good for the growth and development of bones since it has vitamin D3 and calcium. It also has vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Its good for pregnant, lactating women and children.

  • JENACOF DS 100mlOut Of Stock

    JENACOF DS Herbal Cough Syrup 100ml

    Product contains Extracts of Zanthoxylum chalybeum, Warbugia ugandensis, Citrus sinensis, Zingiber officinalis and Eucalyptus oil


    1. Dry cough
    2. flu
    3. allergic coughs
    4. and asthmatic coughs
  • New

    Rocket Health Covidex Package 1

    Get 5 bottles of Covidex, A box of black masks, and 60ml Saraya Sanitiser @ 105,000

    This package contains:

    1. 5 bottles of Covidex
    2. A box of disposable black masks 50’s
    3. One 60ML Saraya Sanitiser.
  • ENAT 400mg

    Vitamin E 400mg ENAT Tablet

    Vitamin E is used to treat nutritional deficiencies. It acts as an antioxidant and helps to eliminate toxic chemicals (free radicals) from your body. Vitamin E is very good for your skin

  • MumferOut Of Stock

    Iron, Folic acid 100mg/500mcg Mumfer tablet 10’s

    Iron,Folic acid Mumfer is used prevent and treat iron deficiency and anemia caused by pregnancy,breastfeeding or malnutrition.

  • Ferrous fumarate, Folic acid,Vitamin B12 FERROTONE Capsules 30’s

    For treatment and prevention of anemia. For preventing iron, folic acid acid, viamin B12 and zinc deficiences during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after surgery or in conditions of nutritional malabsorption.

  • Neurorubine -Forte (1)Out Of Stock

    Vit B1 200 mg, vit B6 50 mg, vit B12 1,000 mcg Neurorubine Forte Tablet 10’s

    Neurorubine Forte is a tablet containing Vitamin B1,B6 &B12. It is utilized in the treatment of a wide range of nervous system disorders like trigeminal neuralgia,diabetic neuritis,alcoholic neuritis,etc. It can also be used as a supplement in some vitamin deficiencies

  • limitless c-zincOut Of Stock

    Limitless Vitamin C-Zinc Lozenges 30’s

    Limitless C-Zinc Supports a healthy immune system for all family.
    – Contains 100 mg of vitamin C & 5 mg of zinc.
    – Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is an adequate amount for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.
    – Safe for Renal patients as it provides only RDA recommended amounts of vitamin c and zinc (as High Vitamin C concentrations increase Oxalate Stone Formation).
    – Safe for Diabetic patients (as it contains only 2 Calories).
    Limitless C-zinc:
    •Has local soothing effect on a sore throat.
    •High Bioavailability and Local Absorption for ingredients.
    Adults & children from 6 years old.
    Dosage: one lozenges daily(children below 6years) and two lozenges any one above 6 years


  • preview gallery Ultra Vitamin D 1000IU  Front  CTUTD096T1WL12E 580x

    VITAMIN D 1000IU Tablet 10’s

    Vitamin D is important for maintaining bone health, supporting the health of the immune system, brain, and nervous system. It also regulates insulin levels. Vitamin D is supplemented in its deficiency. A deficiency in vitamin D may manifest as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

  • RocketHealthShop29 8Out Of Stock

    Nat-B Capsules 10’s

    This product is a combination of B vitamins used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, alcoholism, or during pregnancy. Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health

    NAT B is a high content Vitamin B formula. The B group of vitamins is essential for healthy function of the nervous system. The active ingredients in this formula have been clinically proven to reduce stress and mood changes associated with work-related stress. The B group of vitamins plays an essential role in the metabolic process. They may be beneficial in times of extra needs such as emotional stress, alcoholics, surgery and sickness


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